My friend Ginny blogged about her trip to the grocery store tonight. I went to the store tonight, too, and this got me to thinking? When is the best time to grocery shop?
3 weeks ago
The ramblings of a Mama moonlighting as a Civil Engineer
10 p.m. when no one is around. The shopping goes a lot quicker!
I say that it's best to grocery shop when you're on your way home and going by the store, anyway. When I get home, though, I usually don't want to leave. So I have to do errands before I set foot in my apartment.
Tuesday mornings. Around 10. Unless that's old people day. Then you should go Monday. Wednesday's the day the get new food. In case you were wondering.
In NYC, all the stores re-stock Tues. morning, so that's a bad time. That being the case, you go Wednesday morning for the best selection.
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