I started looking at the material I'm going to use to prepare for the PE exam in April. Yes, in APRIL, exactly 3 months away from today. For those of you who don't know any engineers, train or otherwise, PE is the Professional Engineers exam, a test that all engineers who want to practice engineering in the US must take in order to do so. Similar to the Bar exam for lawyers, except that it's a national test, not state-specific, and it's only one day, instead of 3. But, if I pass, I don't ever have to take it again! Joel and I are both taking it, so at least I have a study partner. I am taking the Civil Engineering exam, and Joel is taking the Structural exam. What I have discovered upon further examination (no pun intended), is that I have 5 times as many topics to study as Joel! My review book is 3 times as thick as his, and I have to be knowledgeable in 5 topics, instead of his 1. I am NOT ready for this! 3 months may seem like a lot of time, but I am already feeling the crunch, and wondering if I can actually do this. On top of everything else, I'm living and studying with a man who is a genius. He only made 3 B's in 6 years of school, including his masters classes! I'm overwhelmed, and I haven't even started yet. This is going to be the worst 3 months of my life....
3 weeks ago
Oh, you can do it! Mike studied while dating me and I am clearly a huge distraction!
Ah yes, Joel B the genius. That isn't the title I had for him when I realized the only reason he came to calculus lecture was to hang out and talk about baseball. I would have at least thought a little would rub off on me, but alas, the C's I got seem to indicate otherwise.
You'll make it though this. Just try not to look at the thckness of the entire study book.
I feel your pain. I am supposed to take the LSAT in less than 4 weeks. Ive had the book for ages. Have I done any of it? Of course not....
Good luck, and good on you for actually studying. I should follow your lead.
KT, You can do it!!! I studied for the PE with a new born baby in the house, while being overloaded at work. And now I can proudly tell people that I am a PE. My biggest advice is two fold. Work problems, problems and more problems. Second don't fret, it doesn't help. I took the Civil test with the water resources afternoon section. It was tough, no doubt, but like I said, I passed. I probably started studying with earnest about the middle of August. And by earnest I mean on the weekends. Took some time off around the first of September for bird season. Then middle of September through test time was every weekend and most lunches. I worked lots of problems and only about half the test was even remotely similar to the problems that I had worked. Not to depress you any more, but you can do it!!
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