Friday, November 11, 2005

Do You Want Fries With That?

I watched Super-Size Me last night for the first time. If you haven't seen it, rent it, put it on your Netflix list, borrow it from a friend. It's great. Maybe the best documentary I've ever seen. Needless to say, I may never eat at McDonald's again. There will have to be dier circumstances. I was amazed at what the food does to your body. Makes me want to go on a diet or run a mile or something.

The best part was one of the deleted scenes showing the decomposition over 8 weeks of various sandwiches and a large fry. After 8 weeks, the fries had NO mold on them. Ew. Gag a magot!


Pigs said...

Ew! I didn't watch the deleted scenes. I liked it too, haven't eaten McDonald's yet. Blegh.

Rebecca said...

Im not sure I even want to watch it- Just reading this post almost made me want to vomit. No Mickey D's for me...