Monday, February 11, 2008

Birthday Party Extravaganza

The party was a big hit. Good times were had by all. But especially my sweet Drew Bear! Here's a few pics from the event.

Birthday cake

He loved ripping the paper!

Reading in his new chair


LOVED the icing!

Happy Birthday Boy!


Pigs said...

What a big man! Happy birthday Drew! Was that the Pottery Barn anywhere chair? Big one or little one?

Katie Lady said...

Yep! It's the big one, I figured I'd dish out that kind of cash for something he can grow into, and he's damn near too big for the small one, anyway.

cjm said...

Love the pics! Especially his little shirtless, cake-eatin' ones. Awww. Glad y'all had a good birthday.

Jillie Bean (AKA Bubba's Sis) said...

We had such a great time! Can't believe our Drew Bear is already ONE! I love him so much!!

Bubba's Mom said...

The birthday party was great. It seems that at first birthday party the adults have a lot of fun & the baby just does what he normally does - be adorable! He is our precious Drew Bear and we love him more than words can say. I hope we get to celebrate birthdays with him always - at least until he finds out about girls! OMIGOSH!!
Let's don't go there!!!

Jillie Bean (AKA Bubba's Sis) said...

Drew already loves the girls - his Mommy, his grandmothers, his aunts, his cousins....

He especially likes to give Aunt Jillie big, slobbery kisses! I'm in love!