I watched the original Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory last night on ABC Family. I had forgotten how much I enjoy that movie, even though I've seen it hundreds of times. My favorite part is when they first go in the 'candy' part of the factory, with the chocolate river, and Mr. Wonka sings 'Come with me, and you'll be in a world of pure imagination,' while sipping tea out of a daffodil then eating the cup when he's done. That song always makes me remember my childhood, and how much fun I had 'Playing Pretend.' I had a very active imagination, and sometimes I wonder what happened to it in adult-hood. Maybe when I have kids of my own I'll find it again.
1 month ago
That movie makes me wonder if Gene Wilder was a child molester. :o) Of course, Johnny Depp had a pretty good vibe himself.
Yeah, they are both a little creepy but I liked both versions. The old one is childhood, though. I think there are just several things kids can do that adults can't. If we "play pretend" people call that lying...
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