Friday, January 6, 2006

Movin' On Up

We got a new apartment yesterday! After a stressful day of trying to get in touch with our current landlord to see if she'd let us out of our 26-month lease (what happened to 24?) scott-free, she finally called back, let us out, and we submitted our application last night to the realtor! NY real-estate is ridiculous, and how you go about getting a new apartment can turn out to be a full-time job, so having it all work out leaves you basking in the glow of your success. Either that, or the glow is caused by the copious amounts of money and background checking required to just get in an apartment in the first place. Regardless, it's a done deal! We sign the lease next week and will move the end of this month! Yeah! No more terrible hill (the only one in Manhattan, I swear) to walk up and down every day. This, my friends, is reason enough to hassle with moving.

More on the new apartment later....


Pigs said...

I thought you were close to moving back home?

Editor in Chief said...

Well, Pigs, it seems it will not be in the next year. Bubba is hot and heavy in his project, which isn't finished until the summer, and we still enjoying ourselves. If we move back, it means we have to get a house and have kids and stuff. Not quite ready for that.

Pigs said...

lol...we wouldn't want you to have to push it then. Carry on.

Rebecca said...

Congrats :)