Thursday, June 15, 2006

The Things That Soothe

I do not have what you'd call a Sweet Tooth. I prefer a nice bowl of salted and lightly buttered popcorn to a big ol' slab of chocolate cake. (This makes ordering dessert with Bubba a challenge, as he has a LARGE sweet tooth.) But there are just some times when nothing but a little chocolate morsel will make you feel better and soothe the things that are irritating you.


Jillie Bean (AKA Bubba's Sis) said...

Chocolate is God's way of telling us He loves us.

Bubba and I get that sweet tooth from our Dad's side of the family...

Pigs said...

Oh my gosh. Now I want a bowl of buttered popcorn with a slab of chocolate cake on the side. I have to go.

Anonymous said...

Bubba's dad says: I take full credit for that sweet tooth stuff. Chocolate cake sounds a lot better than old buttered popcorn.