It's almost here. Spring. It's a marvelous thing. Having lived my entire life until about a year ago South of the Mason Dixon Line, Spring has always been more of an Urban Myth than a season. In West Texas, the arrival of the 20+mph wind on a daily basis really marked the end of winter and the beginning of the the windy season (aka March-October). In Dallas, Spring arrives around February/March when the tulips bloom and you can start wearing open-toed shoes without looking silly. In Houston, Spring doesn't really exist. The rainy winter pretty much just goes straight to summer.
Now that I live in New York, Spring is an Event! It is something to be celebrated, almost worshipped. This was the first warm weekend of the season. I scrapped my attempts at studying (it's the last weekend, then I promise I will stop talking about it) and we went for a long walk after church today. Everyone was outside! Random people at church had red-sunburned faces. I, for one, can not WAIT to don my shorts, tank top, and flip flops and soak up the sun in the park with my big water bottle and current favorite read. Spring in New York is wonderful. Everyone in the City is in a better mood, the restaurants spill out onto the sidewalk, all the baby-strollers have the plastic-thing on the front taken off so you can actually see the child within, and the sun is higher in the sky so you aren't just squinting all the time. It is GREAT!
So, if you are considering coming to visit me (and I really hope that you are!), April and May are the best time. May is better, because the weather is all the way warm, although you need a lite jacket, and all the flowers are in full bloom. But come, you will not be disappointed!